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The Parish Magazine 1906

Cromer Museum has a collection of Parish Magazines from 1897 to 1915. These have been photocopied and are available in full at the Museum.

The monthly publication was issued within the national magazine 'Home and Hearth'. The information in the Magazine is 'a wonderful picture of life in Cromer during the end of the Victorian period and into the First World War.'

We will gradually add extracts from the magazine to the website. The full files at the Museum contain a great deal more information but we begin here with the Vicar's monthly letter. Naturally, he is always concerned with matters spiritual but within his letters are his concerns for local people, local events and national issues. The local history and family researcher is always likely to stumble upon a vignette of something of interest.



For the first time it is my privilege to wish you a Happy New Year, and very heartily I do so. God grant that Pastor and People may so help and encourage one another in love and good works that this new year, on which we enter together, may indeed prove in the highest sense a happy one. Some of you I know are beginning the year under a heavy cloud of trial through the lack of employment. We hope that ways may be found for relieving acute distress, and that better times may return ere long. It is proposed to open a Soup Kitchen, which may be specially useful where there are a number of children in the family. Sorrow, too, has come into several families during the past few weeks. The decease of Mr. Henry E. Buxton is a sore bereavement to his family and to many others, and the death of his son only a few weeks afterwards, through an accident in India, has plunged the family into still deeper grief. In our town Mr. Richard Amis has passed away after a prolonged and painful illness ; while old Mr. Bradfield, still active at the age of 90, ended his Christian pilgrimage in his sleep, a few hours after worshipping in the House of Prayer. May God comfort all who mourn!

The wedding of a Churchwarden's daughter does not happen every day, and great interest was taken in the marriage of Miss G. Rust last month. A very large congregation assembled in the Church. The Choir were there in strong force, and a feature of the service was the beautiful duet, 'Love Divine,' sung by Jack Grant and Mr. Pierce. The young couple were married by the Rev. Henry Fitch, who came over from Beeston, and it is an interesting fact that the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rust, were married in Beeston Church by the late Rev. Frederic Fitch, who went over from Cromer.

Now let me tell you a piece of good news. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon are coming for a brief visit to their old parish, and Mr. Sheldon will preach morning and evening on Sunday, Jan. 14th, while Mrs. Sheldon has promised to take the Women's Class on the same day. We propose having a Social Gathering on the Monday evening in the Parish Hall, so that all may have the chance of a few words with their former Rector and Mrs. Sheldon. We hope that parishioners will make a point of coming, for Mr. Sheldon can only be here for the week-end, and wishes it to be known that as there will be so little time for visiting he hopes to see all his friends at the 'Social.'

At the last Men's Service we had a large congregation. The music given by Mr. Heath and the Choir gave great delight, and we had a most hearty, brotherly, and we trust helpful service. Let us start the New Year, my brothers, with a bright earnest Service on January 7th. It depends on the men to make the Men's Services a power for good. Give us your help ; come yourself, and persuade a friend to come with you.

January has several treats in prospect for us. On the 4th Mr. Victor Buxton will give us a Lantern Lecture, and tell all about his visit to that wonderful place Uganda. On the 16th we shall have our Sunday School Prize-giving. And on the 28th and 29th the Rev. G. Robinson Lees, who is a speaker full of the most interesting information, will preach for the Jews' Society, and give us an Address about the Jews.

Please take special notice of the announcement of the Confirmation.

Before closing let me thank all those who so generously brought toys to be sent to the children in a slum parish in London. The Toy Service was splendid. Over 230 toys were brought. We shall publish next month an account of their distribution in Lambeth.

A General Election is at hand. Let us pray that a right judgment may be given to the electors, and let all endeavour to avoid ' bitterness, and evil speaking' during the time of excitement and contest.

You will have received the New Year's Card, and I trust. that the Motto text may be a real help to us all during this year.

Your affectionate Vicar,



My Dear People,

A great deal has happened since I wrote my last letter to you on the eve of Christmas. That already seems long ago, but it ought to be put on record how very beautifully our Church was decorated by quite a large body of skilful workers, who were unstinting in the time and trouble they gave. Everybody seemed delighted with the effect of their handiwork. We congratulate our Organist and Choir on the musical portion of the Services, especially the Anthem and Carols which -were greatly enjoyed. Best of all we believe that many in our Church were 'rejoicing in God their Saviour.'

It was a great delight to welcome a number of the ' Old Folks ' to Tea in Christmas week. We had hoped that over a hundred would have come, but the night was wet and all who suffered from rheumatics or bronchitis or such like things had to be careful and stay at home. Still we were a good large party, including the District Visitors, who were most kind in waiting upon the guests. The room was gay with flags, through the kindness of Mr. Fox and the work of our gymnastic friends. The latter gave us a capital display, but some of the ' Old Folks ' were considerably alarmed at their feats on the bars and horse. ' I'd never seen people jump like that' was the remark of one ; and many were frightened that Mr. Holden would seriously hurt himself in the frightful strain of lifting the weights - least they were until the end of his capital performance when they saw him pick up the supposed weights and run away with them. The sounds of hearty laughter during the evening were quite delightful, and we hope many will derive pleasure from the memories of that bright evening.

On January 4th the Lecture Hall was crowded to hear Mr. Victor Buxton describe his visit to Uganda. The Lantern Slides were from photographs he had taken, and were excellent. By them and by his address we obtained a capital idea of the methods and inconveniences and interests of travelling in East Africa, and also we learned much of the wonderful progress of the Christian faith in that country.

I am thankful that we had good meetings during the Week of Prayer. It is a real help to begin the year with united meetings of Christian people, when we can forget the matters which unfortunately divide us, and remember that ' we are all one in Christ Jesus,' and are waging one warfare, guided by one book, taught by one spirit, and journeying to one home. If Christian people would be careful never to say an unkind word of their brethren, and always to try and think the best of them, how much more the real unity of God's whole Church would be recognised and felt and manifested to the world.

A most kind and useful gift has been made by Mr. E. Smith. It is a very handsome oak case, with glass front, which is hung in the Church Porch, and in which will be displayed month by month the most interesting picture from 'The Gleaner ' and other Missionary periodicals. We hope that it may lead, as Mr. Smith so much desires, to many of our congregation taking in ' The Gleaner ' for themselves. That is a delightful paper for a family to read on a Sunday, and only costs a penny.

The Confirmation is fixed for Tuesday. March 5th, at 3 p.m. in our Church. The Classes have begun, and we already have about thirty Candidates. But we should like to find many more ready to show their colours, and eager to be admitted to full Membership of the Church and to the privilege of the Holy Communion. Jesus said ' Do this in remembrance of Me,' and yet many intend to meet Him and say ' Lord I refused to do it.' I shall be delighted to call upon any parishioner who sends me word, and to talk over the matter ; and let me add, in the case of older and married Candidates I arrange for private instruction. There is one married Candidate already.

It has been the custom for a ' Churching Fee' of one shilling to be charged, which I have put to the Poor Fund. But in future no special sum will be asked for, though it is surely an occasion when some thankoffering to God should be brought. But. a shilling may be more than some poor woman can afford, and is much less than many others would wish to give. All thankofferings will be given to the Poor Fund.

In looking through the Register it appears that there were only 19 interments in the Cemetery during 1905, including those from Suffield Park ; say for a population of 4000. A very few may have been interred elsewhere, but even so the record shows what an exceptionally healthy place Cromer is.

I have left to the last an event of special interest. We had the pleasure last month of giving a cordial welcome to the late Rector and his wife and sons, on their first visit to the old parish which is still so dear to them. It was good to have Mr. Sheldon in the pulpit from which for so many years he preached the Gospel of Christ, and we give an outline of his evening sermon, preached to a very large congregation, which will be a helpful memento of his visit. There was a really splendid response to the invitation to greet their at a ' Social.' Through the kindness of a large number of ladies everything was beautifully arranged, and carried through without a hitch. The evening was most enjoyable, we believe, to all, and Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon have described their visit to Cromer as 'delightful,' which was just what we all wanted it to be.

Let me remind you of the importance of praying for our Government and the new Parliament, that God may give them wisdom in all their policy and legislation, so that these may be for the furtherance of peace, righteousness, and godliness.

Your affectionate Vicar,



My dear Friends,

The Parish Accounts take up so much room this month that I can only insert a brief letter. Let us thank God that our finances are in a satisfactory condition. But I would ask your attention to the Note which precedes the accounts, and which reminds you that the circumstances of this parish make a good working balance at the Bank a necessity.

I cannot refrain from putting in a word of warm congratulation to our Organist, Mr. Heath, and all the members of the Musical Society on the excellent Concert they gave last month. Both conductor and members have worked with enthusiasm, and the result is most encouraging. Everybody was delighted with the performance.

The Confirmation to be held by the Bishop of Thetford on Monday, March 5th, at 3 p.m., will be an occasion of deepest interest. How much it means to the Candidates! How much to the Parish in which they live! They openly and of their free will declare that, after weighing well the cost, they have chosen the service of Jesus Christ, and intend by the help of God the Holy Spirit to be His loyal soldiers and servants unto their life's end. Pray much for them.

Will you make the Season of Lent a time of seeking to know more of God, redeeming time from earthly business to be more frequently in the House of God, and to spend longer time over your Bible and in prayer. Especially we beg you to come to the Wednesday Evening Services, when we shall have Special Preachers to speak to us the message of God. 'The people that know their God shall be strong.'

Your affectionate Vicar,



My Dear People,

We are drawing near to that Holy Week, when we commemorate the last events in the life of our Redeemer;-when we think of the Agony and Bloody Sweat, the Cross and Passion, which He endured in order to rescue us from the doom of sin. Shall we not observe that Week with reverence ? And shall we not ask God to give us more love to Him Who loved us and gave Himself for us ? Surely every one who cares for Jesus Christ will wish to be present in the House of God on Good Friday - the anniversary of the Saviour's atoning death on Calvary.

On Wednesday evening, April 11th, the beautiful Cantata 'The Way of the Cross' will be performed by the Choir, the Solo parts being sung by Mr. Hemmings and Mr. King, of Norwich Cathedral, and Jack Grant. Copies of the Words will be in the pews, so that all can follow the music. An Address will be given by the Rev. A. J. Cooney.

The Confirmation last month was a very happy Service ; partly because of the very fatherly and earnest words spoken by the Bishop of Thetford, some of which we reproduce in our Parish Notes, but still more because the Candidates gave us reason to hope that they were in earnest about the solemn vow they were making, and really desired to dedicate their lives to the Service of God. The Candidates confirmed numbered 76, of whom 42 belonged to our parish.

Two of the Candidates were publicly baptised some days before the Confirmation. There was a considerable congregation at this Service, to listen to their confession of faith, to join in prayer for them, and to welcome them on their reception into the Church of Christ.

During the past few weeks several well-known residents have passed from among us, including George Allen, John Balls, Mary Ann Brooks, and Jimmy Stimpson. Thank God we believe that all these died in faith, with a sure hope of eternal life. Dear friends, have you that sure hope?

We are losing the valuable services of Mr. Peirce from our Choir, to our very great regret. He has been in Cromer for three years, and has been a most willing helper, and we shall greatly miss him. Our best wishes accompany him as he leaves us.

Please observe that there is to be a small Sale of Work in connexion with our Children's Work Party. It should be well supported. The young folks have worked diligently, and a number of ladies have been most kind in superintending the workers, who have numbered from 60 to 70 at the weekly meeting. We congratulate Miss Tyerman and all concerned on the success of this Work Party.

It is a great pleasure to print a letter from one of our Cromer Missionaries, Miss Spencer, which will be read with interest and sympathy.

God has permitted me to labour for a year among you. To me it has been a great privilege ; but conscious as I am of many of the shortcomings of that year's labour, I would beg of you to pray that God will make me more efficient for the work of the ministry.

Your affectionate Vicar,



My dear People,

The sacred Season of Holy Week and Easter is now past, but we hope that its spiritual influence remains, and that the love of Christ may be a constraining power in our lives, so that we who believe that 'One died for all ' may 'not henceforth live unto ourselves, but unto Him which died for us and rose again.' The attendances at Church seemed to show that many were anxious to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord, and it was encouraging to see such large congregations on Easter Day. We owe grateful thanks to the Clergy who came, in some cases from long distances, to preach at our Wednesday Evening Services during Lent and Holy Week.

All will sympathize very deeply with dear Lady Buxton in yet mother bereavement. Her son, Mr. C. Louis Buxton, who for nearly forty years had lived a life of kindness and usefulness at Bolwick Hall, passed away on April 23rd. Sorrow upon sorrow has come to Lady Buxton and her family since the beginning of last year. May the God of all comfort sustain and console them.

At the Vestry Meeting our two excellent Churchwardens, Mr. H. Rust and Mr. Bower, were reappointed, as also our Assistant Wardens, Mr. Payne and Mr. Lovelace. A suggestion that I made that we should introduce more official Lay help, by appointing a body of Sidesmen, was heartily approved, and I am sure that it will be an advantage to the parish as well as a comfort to me, to know that there is a body of Laymen, who will I hope be representative of our whole congregation, and who will aid our Churchwardens in their duties and be ready to give advice on parish matters. To our great regret both Mr. Bower and Mr. Rust were too unwell to attend the Vestry Meeting, and this has delayed the publication of the Churchwardens' Accounts. I ought to add that the Vestry decided that the number of Sidesmen should be twelve, of whom six should be nominated by the Vicar and the other six by the Wardens and Assistant Wardens.

We must congratulate Mr. Heath and the Choir upon their performance of the Cantata 'The Way of the Cross,' on the Wednesday in Holy Week, when a large congregation was present. A large amount of time and trouble had to be given, and we owe grateful thanks not only to our Organist for his zealous and able training, but to the members of our Voluntary Choir, both men and boys, who cheerfully spared so many hours week after week. We are sure the congregation appreciate very highly their good work for our Church.

Last year, you will remember, when preaching on Rogation (i.e. Supplication) Sunday, I alluded to the old custom of a Service being held in the open air, where the crops could be seen springing up, in order to offer supplication for a good harvest. I feel very strongly that we ought not only to have a Harvest Thanksgiving Service in the autumn, but a Harvest Supplication Service in the spring. How can we expect to give thanks then if we do not pray now ? Our Harvest in Cromer is not directly derived from the crops, but we depend upon a good Season. I invite you all to a special Service of Supplication on Wednesday evening, May 16th, at 8 p.m. Let each person, who does believe that God answers prayer, make a point of being present, that we may unitedly offer up our supplications to God for a prosperous Season, according to His will. I have chosen the Wednesday before Rogation Sunday as I shall be away for a short holiday afterwards. On the two Sundays of my absence, my place will be taken by the Rev. E. Guilford, who has so long and so nobly worked as a Missionary in India.

Our Gymnasium Society propose giving a Display on Thursday, May 10th, in the Parish Hall. We are sure they will have a splendid programme, and that our friend who showed such herculean strength in lifting the weights at the last Display, will have some new feats with which to astound the audience! Our excellent Gymnasium cannot be worked without the cost of an Army Instructor, and we ask our friends to patronise the Display, so that we may make a good sum towards expenses.

The whole country is agitated at present over the Education Bill. I do not wish to discuss it at length in our Parish Magazine. I will not here dwell upon what I believe to be the serious injustice which it proposes to do to the Church of England. But I ask all religious people to consider the weighty words of Dr. Chavasse, the evangelical Bishop of Liverpool, who is widely esteemed by Non-conformists as well as by Churchmen:-

'The Bill takes a long and decided step towards secular education. It banishes all Christian teaching of every kind outside school hours. It gives to every teacher the right of declining to give religious teaching of any kind. In small schools in some places it will make religious teaching an impossibility. In all it makes it an extra subject, dependent upon the option of the local education authority, the teacher, and the parent. If religious teaching is banished out of school hours, the very children who most need it will fail to receive it. There will grow up a rapidly increasing multitude who, ignorant of the motives and restraints of the Christian faith, will prove in the near future a menace to society and a curse to themselves.' May I earnestly beg all religious people to make this matter, on which I feel the whole future of England depends, a subject of constant prayer.

Your affectionate Vicar,



My dear Friends,

My letter to you this month must be short, as I am inserting the Bishop's Pastoral, which you will, I hope, read with care. I fully share his alarm as to the consequences to Christianity in England if the Education Bill in its present form passes into law. It seems to me that we should be halfway to expelling all religion from our Schools. For the Bill expels religious teaching from the compulsory School hours, and the almost certain result would be that. most, of the children would be absent from any Bible Instruction that might be given.

Sir Charles Elliott, a leading member of the late London School Board, writes :- 'Only begin compulsory attendance at 9-40 instead of 9 a.m. and the thing is done. Religious instruction is killed and a purely secular education is established in the land.'

Among those who have been taken from us during the last month have been Mr. R. A. Clarke, known to many as a very kind friend, and Mr. George Chadwick, after a long and distressing illness. May God comfort their widows and sons.

Please remember that June 17th will be Hospital Sunday. Our Cottage Hospital is a blessing indeed to the sick. It needs help very much, and we ask every parishioner to give generously to the offertory on that day.

Some of our summer arrangements have already been made, and one of the happiest is that Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon have very kindly promised to undertake the Children's Mission. This will not only ensure that important work being carried on with all the advantage of their experience and enthusiasm, but will bring them to reside among us for a month. In your prayers will you ask God to bless this work for the children.

We hope to have a Social Gathering in the Vicarage Garden one evening this mouth, at which we shall be delighted to see any grown up members of the Congregation. We propose having some music, games, and light refreshments. It will be best, however, not to fix the date until near the time, on account of the uncertainty of the weather.

You will find on another page a Prayer, which may be a help to you. I am having it printed oil a Card, and shall be pleased to give a copy to anyone who asks for it from the District Visitors, or the Clergy. Remember this month Philippians iv. 6, 7.

Your affectionate Vicar,



My dear People,

You have all heard by this time that we are about to suffer a great loss in our parish by the removal of our dear friends Mr. and Mrs. McDonald from Cromer to Mitcham, where Mr. McDonald has been appointed Vicar of Christ Church. It is three years and a half since lie commenced his ministry in this town, and he has been devoted to the work of God in the parish, and it is with general regret and sorrow that the news of his and Mrs. McDonald's approaching departure has been received. To me it will be a great loss. No one could have been kinder than he has been, or helped me more loyally while I have been trying to get familiar with the people and work of a new parish. But we all join in hearty congratulations to our friends on such an appointment. It seems to be just the right parish for them to go to. A. population of 5000, which is increasing, offers plenty of scope for a man in his prime, and we trust that God will greatly prosper their work in this important sphere.

We must pray very earnestly that God will send to us a suitable successor. Good Curates are not easy to find, for the demand is greater than the supply. So, dear friends, 'continue instant in prayer' that this need may be supplied, that so God's work may not be checked in our parish.
It is always a treat to see an old friend, and the visit of the Rev. F. H. Gibson has given pleasure to many. I was so glad to have the opportunity of making the acquaintance of one of whom I had heard from not a few of you.

We were so sorry that our 'At Home' was not favoured with better weather. It was quite dry certainly, but rather too cold for sitting out. However we had great fun, including some very amusing races, and those who came seemed thoroughly to enjoy themselves.

I am afraid the cold weather in the early part of June did not encourage visitors to come to Cromer, but we will hope for a favourable July and August. The Prayer, for use during the Season, has been printed on a card, and any body can obtain a copy by asking the Clergy or District Visitors. There is no charge. It is a great thing to be definite in prayer, and we hope this card may be a help towards this.

Several families have, within the last month, been plunged into grief through bereavement. Miss Tyerman has lost her father after a long illness. Mrs. Stirling, a kind, and gentle Christian lady, was suddenly struck down and within two days passed from us to the Home above. And Mr. and Mrs. Milton have lost a dear and good child at the early age of eleven. Our sympathy goes forth to all the mourners, and we pray that our gracious Father in Heaven will comfort and support their sorrowing hearts.

We rejoice in the recovery of one or two friends who had been seriously ill. Mr. R. Cotton, one of our most valued parishioners, has been raised up after a time of great danger. And Miss Rosling, who also lay in a critical condition for a while, is now getting quite strong again. We thank the Lord.

Our Hospital Sunday Collection amounted to over £39, so that it all but equalled that of last year. For this we are very thankful.

This month will be one of anxiety and effort for you all; may God prosper you, and may His peace which passeth all understanding keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Your affectionate Vicar,



My Dear Friends,

When this number of our magazine reaches you the rush of the Season will have begun and many of you will be almost too busy to read it. But let me send you a word of sympathy in all the strain of the daily toil. May God give you strength to go through with it, and that peace of heart which comes from casting all our care upon the loving Father in Heaven.

     'What a privilege to carry, Everything to God in prayer'

And may God give you such grace that at the end of the Season you may feel that you could say to those who have stayed with you 'ye are witnesses, and God also, how holily and justly and unblameably, we behaved ourselves among you.'

On the Cards of Services which are sent round for the use of Visitors I have not forgotten to put a request that they will make it possible for those in whose house they stay to attend the House of God on Sunday. Try and get there at least once ; it will help you all through the week. And never neglect the quiet moments of prayer and reading some verses of God's Word first thing in the morning ; five minutes of heart devotion then will make things go happily through the long hours of labour.

The Children's Services, as you already know, will be conducted by the Rev. J. F. and Mrs. Sheldon and Mr. D. P. Robinson and other friends. I feel so thankful to them for their kindness in coming to Cromer and undertaking this work. The Children's Mission is part of our parochial summer campaign, and a very important part ; and we shall all feel that we are as anxious for its success, under God's blessing, as for the success of any other of our Services. Pray that many young hearts may this Summer learn to know the joy of salvation and the happiness of serving Jesus Christ.

The Rev. D. McDonald will in one sense be leaving us this month, for he goes after Aug. 12th to take up the work of his new parish. But we shall not feel that we have really parted with him and Mrs. McDonald until they move from Cromer in September. We all feel how much we shall lose in losing them. Do not forget to continue praying that God will give us one who will be a worthy successor in the parish work. As yet I have not been able to secure a suitable colleague. Mr. McDonald will preach at the Evening Service on Aug. 5th, and at the Overflow Service on Sunday Morning, Aug. 12th.

Do not forget that Hospital Saturday is fixed for August 11th. A notice will be left at each house on the Friday, and a collector will call on the Saturday. You can do a great deal to help the cause, not only by what you give, but by drawing the attention of the Visitors in your house to the notice-paper, and telling them what need there is of support for the Hospital.

Your affectionate Vicar,



My dear People,

Thankfulness to God for many mercies is the uppermost thought in my mind as I begin the monthly letter for our magazine. The wildly exaggerated reports that were spread abroad concerning illness in Cromer, and which travelled all over England, threatened to bring about a disastrous Season. Fortunately numbers of people were sensible enough to make enquiries and learn the truth, and though we seemed to suffer somewhat in July, our town has been very full in August. The Church has been crowded out each Sunday morning, and on two occasions the Parish Hall was quite full at the Overflow Service. May we not look back to our Day of Supplication and feel that God has answered our prayers, both in checking illness and in bringing Visitors in such numbers in spite of the 'scare'? Let us thank Him with all our hearts. I do hope that we may have more people than usual in September to compensate for July, and also for the lower prices which in many cases had to be accepted.

Then let us thank God that He has answered our prayer and is giving us a successor to Mr. McDonald, who will moreover be able to join us the first week in October. The curacy has been accepted by the Rev. L. Gethen, who was for some years at the Parish Church of Cheltenham, and has since been at Durham. The Bishop of Durham, who has been visiting Cromer again, speaks of Mr. Gethen as an excellent clergyman, and I believe that he will soon win his way in our parish. Let us pray that he may be a great blessing to us, and that he may find Cromer a very happy sphere of labour.

Again, we have cause for praise in regard to our Season's Services. It has been a wonderful sight to see our noble Church crowded to the doors, and we have noted with much thankfulness the reverence and attention of the great congregations, and the heartiness of the singing. Our Churchwardens and Sidesmen have had a difficult task in seating such numbers, but they have been unwearying in their efforts, and have managed splendidly. Many have rejoiced to hear Mr. Challacombe's Addresses on the Christian Life, and it has been a privilege to have Mr. Stather Hunt. among us in good health again. We trust that Cromer air will do much for Mrs. Hunt after her dangerous illness.

The Children's work is another subject for praise. Under Mr. Sheldon's able and experienced guidance all has gone on most happily, and the large attendance at the Services and Meetings has been most encouraging. We trust that Mr. Sheldon and all his band of devoted workers will have the joy of knowing of many young hearts that have been opened to receive the Saviour, and have been made glad with peace and joy in believing.

Let us thank God for the success of Hospital Saturday. Last year there was a rise from £56 to £91, and this year we have reached £138. The increase in Cromer itself (excluding Suffield Park) is from £68 to £76, while the District has gone up from £23 to £62. Several parishes which had not before joined in the effort helped us, and the organisation was. better. We are very grateful to all who so willingly assisted in collecting, and to those who contributed so liberally.

The Sale of Work in the garden of Colne House took place in beautiful weather, and large numbers came to buy. There was great interest when the Stallholders counted up their receipts after the close of the Sale, and great delight when it was found that just about £200 had been realised. For this also we offer thanks to our gracious God.

Mr. McDonald commenced work in his new parish on August 19th, and we are sure that many of his friends in Cromer are supporting him with their prayers. We hope to present our readers next month with a likeness of Mr. and Mrs. McDonald. If any extra copies of the Magazine are required they should be ordered through the District Visitors not later than Sept. 15th. In order to give our friends a good 'send-off' on their actually moving from the parish, we propose having a Social Gathering; on Tuesday, Sept. llth, in the Parish Hall, from 8 to 9-30 p.m.

Many of you, my dear friends, must be feeling worn out with the strain of the past weeks, but I trust that you have been experiencing the joy of casting your daily burden upon the Lord, and finding that His grace does sustain, and gives peace.

Your affectionate Vicar,



My dear Friends,

On the first of this month our new friend, the Rev. Leonard Gethen, arrives in Cromer, and I am sure that we are all most anxious to give him a hearty welcome to our parish and to assure him of our sympathy and support as lie commences his ministry among us. He will preach for the first time at the evening service on Sunday, 7th. Will you give him a special place in your prayers ? I am glad to say that we shall have the pleasure of welcoming also his sister, Miss Gethen, and his aunt Miss Walmsley, who has been a great worker for the Young Women's Christian Association and in other branches of Christian service. Their address will be ' Glen Roy,' St. Mary's Road.

Our friends, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, have now altogether left us, and we shall miss them very much. The parish gave them a hearty and affectionate send-off which greatly cheered them. A large number gathered in the Parish Hall on Sept. 11th, when a framed Address was presented together with a cheque for £61 and an album containing the names of all the subscribers. The address had been very beautifully painted by Mrs. Sandford, which added much to its value. Besides this, the Sunday School Teachers gave a handsome study chair, and the Gymnastic Club a framed photograph of their squad, while the Women's Bible Class had already presented Mrs. McDonald with a table. We know that our friends will not forget Cromer in their thoughts and intercessions ; let us support them in like manner in their new and laborious work.

An event of the greatest interest will be the marriage of Miss E. Bond Cabbell, of Cromer Hall, to the Rev. Humphrey Barclay, son of Colonel Barclay, M.V.O., of Hanworth Hall, which is to take place on the 18th of this month. While we shall be exceedingly sorry to lose the Bride from our parish, we will rejoice with her and the Bridegroom in their happiness, and pray that God's blessing may abundantly, rest upon them in their new home, and in their joint labours in God's service.

We were granted beautiful weather during the first weeks of September, and the fact that the Church was almost crowded on the 16th, seemed to indicate that a good many visitors were tempted to stay on. In spite of this the season, I am afraid, has for a good many people been only a poor one. Remembering however that disaster threatened us in July, let us consider how much cause we have for thankfulness to God.

I am so sorry that a cycling accident has hindered me in the work of visiting just when, being without a colleague, it seemed so necessary. And all through a poor little kitten running into the spokes of my wheel (very nearly a cat-astrophe was it not?) It rather took me aback, when I had limped to Church that evening, to find that somebody had laid upon the Reading Desk a leaflet, headed ' Church Society for the Promotion of Kindness to Animals.' It was remarkable that on the very same day both Miss Fitch and Mr. John Clarke should have been knocked down by cycles. We heartily thank God that by His mercy these accidents, which might have caused grave injury, did not result in- any serious harm.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lloyd, of Uganda, have spent several months in Cromer, and Mr. Lloyd spoke both at Missionary Meetings and at the Open-Air Services. They are so much restored in health that they hope to start for Central Africa again in November. One thing they wished to take with them was a small harmonium, and several friends have joined in providing the sum required for this, so that it will be a constant: reminder to them of Cromer.

Now, dear friends, the winter is before us with its precious opportunities for quiet work, and all our regular meetings and classes will be commenced as soon as possible. We begin with our Harvest Festival, to be held on Thursday, Oct. 4th, and to be continued on Sunday 7th. On that day our first Men's Service will be held, and we ask the men to give us a good start. That would be a great encouragement; And will you all respond to our efforts to help you, by coming as much as you can to the Services and Meetings, and praying for God's blessing upon all the work of the parish.

Your affectionate Vicar,



My dear Friends,

The great event of the past month has been the marriage of Miss Evermar Bond Cabbell to the Rev. Humphrey Barclay, and the congregation which thronged the Church testified to the deep interest and warm sympathy which was felt, not only by the members of the respective families, but also by all their friends and neighbours in Cromer. It was distinctly a religious wedding. One was conscious of a tone of reverence and earnestness in the Church. And as those two young lives, so bright and yet full of a holy purpose, were joined together by God with prayer and pledge and vow, His blessing, we are well assured, descended upon them, that blessing which alone maketh rich and addeth no sorrow with it. The happy pair, delighting as they do in country life and sport, have chosen for their home and sphere of labour the poor and crowded East end of London. The Rev. C. F. Wilson, in his address, said that it was appropriate that the wedding should take place in Cromer Church, which was a land mark by which sailors were often guided on their way, for the Bridegroom and. Bride have given their lives to God and our sailors, and we may be sure that many a sailor will be helped by them to steer the true course for the port of Heaven.

Mr. Sheldon writes that he has undertaken to conduct two Missions during November; one at St. Andrew's, Islington, from Nov. 3rd13th, and another at Holy Trinity, Eastbourne, from Nov. 17th-27th. The latter has a special interest for me, as I was Curate there for more than two years before going to Woking. Mr. Sheldon solicits our prayers. What a privilege to us to assist the work by supplications at a distance. Hearts that otherwise would remain stubborn may yield to Christ through our intercessions.

May I address an earnest invitation to Christian people to come if they possibly can to our Bible Readings, on Tuesday evenings at 8 p.m., in the Vicarage Room. We intend these Readings to be, as far as possible, of a conversational character, so that we may draw upon the knowledge and experience of some of those who are present. Several took part in our first Reading, and this added much to its interest. We have commenced the Gospel of St. John.

The attendance at our first Men's Service was encouraging, but I want to beg the men to
back us up still more heartily. Let me see you on the first Sunday of the month, my brother, it will be an encouragement to me, and your example may be a blessing to some other men.

Our best wishes to Mr. Heath on his completion of a year of service as our Organist. We are all grateful to him for the energy and pains with which lie has striven to improve the singing of our Choir. The men have supported him well, and the improvement in the boys' voices has been very manifest. Lovers of music will be glad to know that Mr. Heath will give two Organ Recitals this month, of which an account will be found under ' Parish Notes.'

There is just a chance of your receiving the magazine in time to hear that the Rev. Rowland Bateman, who has been one of our really great Missionaries in India, will speak at a. Meeting on Thursday evening, Nov. 1st, at 8 p.m. I am sure that those who come will be amply repaid. There will be a Children's Meeting on the next day at 5-30 p.m.

A Diocesan Convention, for the deepening of the Spiritual life, is to be held at Norwich on Nov. 13th to 15th. It will probably be attended by some hundreds of Clergy of the Diocese, and a still larger number of Church Workers, representing many parishes. If these receive a real spiritual blessing, what widespread good will come to numbers of villages in Norfolk., God grant that it may be so. ' Ye also helping together by prayer ' should be the motto of Christian people. May God grant that we in Cromer may share in the blessing. May our Spiritual life be deepened. And may we be filled with the fruits of righteousness, and become more full of zeal in seeking to spread the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,

Your affectionate Vicar,



My dear Friends,

It is one of the advantages of dwelling in a small town that there is more general interest taken in the joys or sorrows of any member of our community. This month we rejoice in the happiness of our friend Dr. Burton, whose marriage took place on Nov. 15th, and we give his Bride a hearth welcome to Cromer. May many long years of wedded happiness be theirs.

You will be glad to know that Miss Stanley, who had greatly overtaxed her strength, and whom the doctors exiled to a Rest-Cure Home, is already much better and hopes to be back by Christmas.
Mr. Gilbert Mack, an old and respected inhabitant of Cromer, has been taken from us after a long period of suffering. We offer our sympathy to his family.

The Season of Advent should suggest serious thoughts to all, and very bright and happy thoughts to those who love the Lord Jesus Christ. One thing is certain. He who came to visit this world in great humility is coming again in glorious majesty. He who died upon the Cross of shame is coming to sit upon the Throne of glory. He who once came to save sinners is coming again to judge sinners. That much is absolutely certain. The time is uncertain. The coming of the Lord will be sudden and unexpected like a flash of lightning. Are you ready? There will not be a single moment to prepare then. Therefore God's message now is this ' Prepare to meet thy God.' We hope that the special Advent Addresses will be a help to you, and that you will come as often as you possibly can to God's House.

There will be a special Service on Thursday, Dec. 20th, when our Choir will be assisted by the Choral Society, and the Hallelujah Chorus and other beautiful music will be rendered, as you will see stated in the Parish Notes.

And on the Sunday before Xmas we shall hold a Carol Service, at which a number of lovely Carols, old and new, will be sung.

What is Christmas? It is the Christ Festival. May a happy Christmas be ours,full of joy in Christ our Saviour. And may our Christmas festivities be free from anything that is unholy. Suffer me to beg everybody to do nothing, at the festive season, to tempt a friend or neighbour. Under the name of hospitality or good fellowship many a man has been tempted to intemperance, and the season of joy has been turned to a season of shame and sorrow. Be it ours to shield our friend from temptation, not to entice him into a pathway of danger.

Please take notice of the announcement of a Toy Service for Sunday afternoon, Dec. 9th. Last year we had a very successful one, and sent a splendid supply of toys to a slum parish in London. This Xmas we want to send a large quantity of toys to a very poor parish in the Midlands, where poverty has been so great that furniture and clothing have bad to be sold, and where the children will have a joyless Xmas unless we help. The Vicar, a most earnest worker, writes that he will only be able to give a treat to 50 or 60 Infants, and begs for enough toys to enable him to extend the treat to at least 100 more of the children. He says ' the woeful faces of those who are refused are hard to meet.' And I would add the words of Jesus 'Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye did it unto Me.' The toys ought not to be too bulky to pack, and every toy ought to have a Christmas text, neatly written on an envelope, and tied on the toy.

Would anybody like to give a Christmas present to our Parish ? If so, a simple clock with a clear face for the Vicarage Room would be extremely useful.

Do not forget the grand Gymnastic Display on Thursday, the 6th. I hear that one of our young men can hang on a bar by the back of his neck only, so we may be sure that we shall see some fine performances.

'The Young Helpers' League have arranged a small Sale, to be held in the Vicarage Room. in aid of Dr. Barnado's Homes. Don't disappoint the Young Helpers. They want to sell all the things they have been making.

Now for a word in regard to the Men. The annual Nautical Service is to take place on the first Sunday of this month. Mr. Heath will play ' The Storm,' and 'The Fisher's Song' and 'The Manx Fishermen's Evening Hymn' will be sung, and the subject of the Address will be 'The Shipwreck.' We hope to see a very large gathering of men.

We have been able. through the generosity of several friends, to buy a fine Bagatelle Table for our Fishermen's and Working Men's Reading Room,. and we are sure that it will prove a great attraction.

It has been arranged, with the sanction of the Committee, that a bright Gospel Meeting, with Lantern Slides, and plenty of singing, shall be held on the three Fridays before Xmas beginning at 9 p.m. We hope that the Members of the Reading Room will thoroughly enjoy this, and will invite some of their friends to come. It will be a good opportunity of letting them see what a nice room it is, and perhaps they will wish to become members.

This month will be one of heavy strain for us clergy. Will you support us with your daily prayers?

Your affectionate Vicar,